Make and Break
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Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break [ESD MS]Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break je kompetitívna arkádová akcia v štýle tower defense, ktorá v kombinácii so svojráznym humorom v štýle Monty Python tvorcov zo štúdia ACE Team prináša unikátne kreatívny a nezabudnuteľný zážitok. Ponorte sa do rozsiahleho príbehu, ktorý vám pošteklí bránicu a nechajte ... |
30,69 € |
Rock of Ages 3 Make & Break |
5,12 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.: A Handbook of Methods (Tomitsch Martin)This handbook documents sixty methods used in design innovation projects leading to the design of new products or services. It is the first publication to bring together methods, tools and case studies that involve multiple design disciplines and perspectives - from product and service design to int... |
33,52 € |
Rock of Ages 3: Make & BreakHry Rock of Ages sú pravdepodobne jedinečné svojho druhu. Žánrovo prakticky neopísateľné (akčná tower defense stratégia s guľami?), humorne neporovnateľné s Monty Pythonom a z pohľadu nič netušiaceho pozorovateľa ťažko pochopiteľné. Veď je tu len vajíčkový muž, bochník syra alebo kamenná päsť, ktorá... |
25,90 € |
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break | Xbox OneVytvorte si vlastné úrovne. Zlomiť všetkých ostatných. Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break je súťažná Tower Defense a arkádová akcia zhrnutá so svojráznym humorom v štýle Monty Python od ACE Team do jednej obrovskej, kreatívnej hry pre veky! Naskočte do rozsiahleho, dusného príbehu a zažite eklektické do... |
29,52 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.Überarbeitete Auflage: 20 zusätzliche Methoden und ein neues Kapitel zur Einführung eines auf den Menschen ausgerichteten Designs. Dieses Handbuch dokumentiert 80 Methoden, die bei Design-Innovationsprojekten angewandt werden, die zur Gestaltung neuer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen führen. Es ist di... |
29,39 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. - Martin Tomitsch, Cara Wrigley a kol.Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. provides a comprehensive collection of 60 methods applicable to any design innovation project. This handbook provides a flexible, interactive learning resource for anyone interested in learning about design thinking methods and their use for product and service in... |
29,00 € |
Thames & Hudson Make Break Remix: The Rise of K-StyleO knihe v slovenčine: Odvážny a štýlový pohľad na globálny vzostup kórejskej kultúry a štýlu v slovách a obrazoch tých, ktorí ho formujú a žijú. K-pop, K-fashion, K-dráma, K-beauty: v priebehu posledného desaťročia K-štýl explodoval na globálnu scénu. Čo stojí za týmto fenoménom? Kam sa K-štýl pos... |
24,95 € |
Make Break Remix: The Rise of K-Style (Bae Fiona)K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, Break, Remix: The Rise of K-Style makes no attempt to define or categorize, instead celebrating the eclectic, multi-faceted na... |
20,44 € |
Make Break RemixA bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, Br... |
20,66 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.This handbook documents sixty methods used in design innovation projects leading to the design of new products or services. It is the first publication to bring together methods, tools and case studies that involve multiple design disciplines and perspectives – from product and service design to int... |
33,70 € |
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break Xbox One ESD (811-7-43050) ESD Xbox hraAkčná arkádová hra Rock of Ages 3: Make and Break je na konzolu Xbox One. Zabavte sa v šialenom svete prekážok a deštrukcie. Vyskúšajte si mapy, alebo vytvárajte vlastné. Vašou úlohou bude iba jedno - prevezmite kontrolu nad demolačným predmetom a ukážte, ako ďaleko sa dostanete. Hra má anglickú lok... |
29,99 € |
Make Break Remix : The Rise of K-Style - Fiona BaeA bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, B... |
19,00 € |
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break – Xbox Digital77 % Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break je bláznivá akcia, ktorá kráča v stopách svojich predchodcov. V prípade, že sa vám páčil prvý a druhý diel tejto značky, tento kúsok by vás nemal minúť, pretože nestratil nič z kúzla a vtipu svojich predchodcov. Za seba rozhodne odporúčam mu venovať pozornosť, preto... |
32,90 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. (Tomisch Martin)Revised edition: 20 additional methods and a new chapter to introduce humanity-centered design This handbook documents 80 methods used in design innovation projects leading to the design of new products or services. It is the first publication to bring together methods, tools, and case studies that... |
29,36 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.Überarbeitete Auflage: 20 zusätzliche Methoden und ein neues Kapitel zur Einführung eines auf den Menschen ausgerichteten Designs. Dieses Handbuch dokumentiert 80 Methoden, die bei Design-Innovationsprojekten angewandt werden, die zur Gestaltung neuer Produkte oder Dienstleistungen führen. Es ist di... |
29,39 € |
Make Break Remix - Fiona BaeA bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, Br... |
24,13 € |
Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat.This handbook documents sixty methods used in design innovation projects leading to the design of new products or services. It is the first publication to bring together methods, tools and case studies that involve multiple design disciplines and perspectives – from product and service design to int... |
33,70 € |
Make Break RemixA bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, Br... |
20,66 € |
Dino Toys Make'n'Break (Závod stavitelů)V této hře, která má spád, stavíme podle obrázků na kartách. Budete potřebovat dobré oči a šikovné prsty, abyste vytvořili co nejvíce staveb v určitém čase. Zábavné stavění, při kterém se tají dech a závodí se s časem! Napínavá výzva pro celou rodinu. V této hře, která má spád, stavíme podle obrázků... |
38,01 € |
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